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Take a walk to summon your creativity

It has been observed that a number of renowned historical figures resorted to walks as a means to augment their productivity. The practice of walking has been noted to trigger creativity, thereby improving overall productivity. It may therefore be wise to incorporate walking into one's daily routine, as it has the potential to yield significant benefits. Grab your sneakers and read on to learn more.


25 Minutes - Uplifting and Heart-Opening Vinyasa Yoga Practice (Intermediate)

Below is a free intermediate Vinyasa-style yoga practice which will leave you feeling strong and ready to take on the rest of your day.


30-Minute Energizing Vinyasa Flow with Laura

Take 30 minutes for yourself and join in for a well-rounded intermediate energizing vinyasa flow practice filmed in a beautiful forest in Mecklenburgische Seenplatte.


The positive effects of yoga and mindfulness practice for children

Many are generally aware of the healthful benefits of regular yoga asana and mindfulness practice for adults and older persons- but does this relationship extend to kids? The research is in and the answer is yes!


Forest Bathing in Usedom: Curative and Healing Forest in Heringsdorf

Discover a must-visit forest for the entire family to experience nature immersion. It's the perfect spot to unplug, move and let your mind recharge.


Incredible health protecting benefits of forests

There is exciting evidence supporting the need for investing in forests and green spaces for the health of all. This should get you up and moving, and possibly purchasing a house plant or two, or ten (we’re not judging).


An ENERGIZING total body HIIT outdoor workout

Searching for an energizing, total body outdoor workout? You’ve come to the right place! HIIT (high intensity interval training) is fantastic for people looking to bang out a workout in a short time. Take this workout with you and get started.


Kids need outdoor free play in nature spaces- here's why

Cardiovascular activity supports a functioning immune system and is of great importance for keeping children healthy. Children need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day.


5 benefits of nature-based play for kids

Nature settings are a fantastic place for playtime, as it offers the space to be physically active and allows kids to use their imagination for games and role-playing. Read on to explore why you should encourage playtime in green outdoor settings.


Why urban green spaces are now more crucial than ever

There is an undeniable allure when it comes to natural green spaces, and it’s been shown that simply viewing vegetation positively effect mental and physical responses. Urban green spaces are a hot topic in city planning and we gathered evidence to show how extremely relevant this is today, and how these spaces can transform city centers to benefit the environment, human mental health and social health.


The power of physical activity for prevention and management of chronic diseases

Physical activity is wonderful and I personify it as encompassing magical, life-changing potential. I intentionally use the word "magic" because you gain both immediate and long-term health protection from your very own body moving, but it’s not magic at all! The health outcomes of physical activity are verifiable, scientifically supported, and is a health strategy to be taken seriously.


6 tips to move more during home office

A remote office set-up offers privacy and if you decide to take a step away from your desk and stretch, no one is judging! One can see this as an opportunity to sneak more movement in your day, release stagnant energy, boost productivity, and roll out the red carpet for mood-enhancing endorphins. Included are additional wellness tips for a home office space and inexpensive home workout equipment.


Research confirms exercise and brain power for kids + how to incorporate movement breaks in the classroom

Scientific studies are measuring how aerobic exercise impacts brain development in children and adolescents. The results are astounding- aerobic exercise supports cognitive functioning; it builds the brain's white matter which enhances neural connections and networks. Let's explore and learn why movement breaks need to be in your child's classroom plan.


Physical exercise augments brain power - 5 benefits on brain health

Toss on your sweats and bring out your jump rope for brain health: physical exercise can improve memory, learning, and mood states. Let’s look into it further, and start with why it can be difficult to get moving, how to get over that initial reluctance, and go over how advantageous exercise is to brain functioning in children to older adults.


PaRx Initiative in Canada

A doctor ordered prescription for nature you say? Yes! Recently launched in Canada, PaRx encourages and assists licensed physicians and other qualified healthcare providers with prescribing time in nature, and provides free prescription Parks Canada Discovery Pass, allowing patients access to over 80 provincial parks.This initiative confirms and strengthens the growing evidence illustrating the health benefits of spending time in nature.


"Hope molecules" - Myokines: happiness messengers with physical exercise

If you feel unmotivated or a nagging feeling of low energy - there is one tool that is a game-changer when it comes to experiencing renewal. It does not involve sitting hunched over in an endless scroll of social media nor does it include binge-watching shows. It is physical exercise, and is increasingly considered to increase feelings of joy and pleasure.


What to look for when searching for online workouts

With internet access and a small space, you can gain access to full exercise classes online and bring the fitness studio to you. Here are a few things to look for and be mindful of when embarking on a search for Youtube fitness classes.