Our Story

Hello, I'm Laura.
It all started with an experience about eight years ago. It was a gorgeous summer day, and I led a HIIT group class outdoors in a city park. During the class I could perform exercises longer without fatiguing as fast, and felt more energized afterward.  This new awareness sparked my curiosity and led me on journey to discover green exercise and subsequently forest bathing. In my Masters program I conducted an independent study of this phenomenon which was inspiring and unveiled my new passion- promoting HEPA and the power of green exercise to support and restore health. 

The majority of people are not getting enough physical activity to support their health, nor are they aware of the health protective elements of exercise and physical movement in general. Green Blue Active is special as we specifically promote the marvellous benefits of green and blue exercise and the restorative and immune-supporting properties of forests and green spaces. Hence the name: Green Blue Active! 

Sedentarism is cascading but it is a modifiable risk factor that when reversed,  can reduce the risk and severity of certain chronic diseases (i.e. type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease) and it contributes positively to preventing falls in older populations and preventing osteoporosis. An active lifestyle offers a wide range of health benefits! Exercise is an indispensable, inexpensive tool for self-care and the benefits also extend to cognitive and affective well-being across the lifespan, which drives me to promote it for children's health development. 

I speak to groups and individuals, and share evidence-based findings on leading healthy, active lifestyles and give actionable steps for individuals, children, families, schools, and organizations. The knowledge and skills to adopt a physically active lifestyle should be available to everyone and I am dedicated to driving this change. 

Interested in having Green Blue Active visit your organization, school, youth club, shelter, or event in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, or Berlin region? Contact us to arrange a class that fits your needs. Green Blue Active offers physical activity health promotion presentations for adults and children, group yoga practice, children's yoga and movement classes, breathing exercises, meditation and mindfulness practice, small group fitness training, and corporate wellness sessions.

Green Blue Active is available to consult, develop, and coordinate strategies for evidence-based physical activity interventions. 

Laura Scott, M.A., RYT 200.
Physical Activity Practitioner & Yoga Instructor.


Experience enhanced health and resilience.

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RYT 200



Awarded 2019